Getting ready
There is nothing that can be said about today, other than it was AWFUL, cold, wet and dreich.
The afternoon was enlivened by a surprise visit from our landlord. I had been going to have the afternoon off (working tonight) but it was too cold, wet and miserable (see above) to go home and come back out again, so I stayed at work. How sad is that?
The 'no carbs' took a nose dive at the City Chambers buffet. Do I care? Outside preparations are being made for the celebrations on Sunday. Whatever happens the Cup is coming back to Embra.
2 letters when I got home. Dave is back to wanting things done before the pen is on the paper. And a second bluey from Gordon. He is clearly in reflective mood.
Molly is home and we're curled up on the sofa together. We're very proud of her. She caught a big mouse at #64 on Wednesday night. Well done Molly.
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