Organ pipes. Nunnington church

All Saints church in the village of Nunnington, North Yorkshire.

Forster and Andrews, organ makers in Hull.

The business opened in 1843 in the old Mechanics Institute on Charlotte Street (now George Street) by James Alderson Forster and Joseph King Andrews, who had met whilst serving their apprenticeships with J. C. Bishop in London. They began by cleaning and repairing existing organs but were soon commissioned to start work building their first organ. Shortly after this they began to advertise in the local newspapers, they exhibited at the Great Exhibition in 1851 and in 1853 James Forster gave a talk on 'The Improvements in Organ Machinery' at a meeting of the British Association for Advancement of Science in Hull. The publicity was great for the business and by the late 1850s it is estimated that the company was employing nearly 30 people and by the late 1860s were building more than 30 new organs each year.

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