Another day

Monday 12th January (870)

I am convinced that at the start of 2015 someone turned up the speed that the world spins to make the days shorter. The days seem to be over so quickly and there just isn't time to do everything, it's crazy. 

It was very wet and grey this morning. I had to take my computer back to the shop this afternoon. Would you believe it, it is going to have to be reinstalled again! I've had it nine months and it is still not all set up and working properly yet! On my way back there was a stunning sky but even that didn't wait around for the ten minutes it took me to get home. There was no point in going out to chase it as it was fading by the second, so this is another from the end of my drive with the same trees in the distance but this time I decided to frame them with the trees by my house. 

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