Lonely tree

Tuesday 12th Jan 2016 (1235)

The forecast today was rain all day but I woke to blue sky and sunshine. I decided to make the most of it and went out on the bike. My loop is now two figures of eight, a smaller one inside a bigger one, and I can take any combination of the loops. Today I decided to do the full outside of the big loop, without yesterday's diversion, in the opposite direction to yesterday. 

I really enjoyed the ride, despite the headwind most of the way. When I got to the final turn I didn't want to stop. I'm guessing the route would have been about 10.5 miles if I'd gone straight home, which proves how far out I was yesterday! However, I didn't feel like going home so I added another loop to it by continuing along the coach road. It was fine apart from the last ten minutes when the storm caught up with me and I faced a headwind with hailstones, ouch! Total distance 14 miles. Apart from the fresh air and exercise the rhythm of the bike is helping.  


Fingers crossed for the future of blip. Amazing amount raised but we need to keep spreading the word and keep that total rising. Pledge to save blip here.

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