Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea

Snow fair!

I missed a train this afternoon, by standing on the wrong platform. That was rubbish. There is only one an hour on that route so it was a choice between waiting in the (freezing) cold another hour or getting a train fifteen minutes after the one I missed and going a long route home. So that's what I did. I didn't get home any earlier but I was on a (slightly) warmer train. And into the bargain I met Louise for about twenty seconds on the platform. The correct platform for my fourth train of the day!

I'd already slid because the sole of my boot collected snow and ice in it's grooves and compacted it (handily) so it was all slippy and unbalanced. I can be unbalanced without any help off the weather!

I want to go to bed already. The snow seems to be getting heavier the now. Yuck.

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