Strike that. Reverse it!


Just a little Daf....

Seems appropriate at the moment. I can't think of what to say, write about or blip.  Think the tiredness is kicking in, the calm after the storm a little. I took quite a few photos and when I looked they were all blurred, how did that happen?

Today has been a good day, fingers crossed tomorrow will be too.

I think a lot is down to PMA. Yesterday I woke and thought today I am not going to cry. When I'm stressed I can't shout or get angry I just cry. I seem to have spent the last month crying. So yesterday I told a good friend that I was not going to cry today. (I'd tried just saying it in my head but hadn't been working)  I lasted 24 hours, was close many times but kept repeating my mantra.  Then today I woke feeling much better. less close to tears. My lovely friend said "tears breed tears" and she is so right. I had heard it before but hadn't given it any thought.  Today I haven't cried, that's 48 hours :0)  So todays song has to be Every Teardrop is a Waterfall 

So my day today has been good and I really hope you've all had a good one too xxx

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