From The Bark Seat

I  just knew something was up when I ended up with the hair stylist this afternoon and sure enough there was The Boss and there was ME tied to something and there was The Boss…not untying me but reaching for his fruit phone ‘Cos I was jumping with excitement ‘Cos I was pleased to see him and so what does he do…Try to photograph me jumping …so what did I do…right… stop jumping.
Let it be totally understood here who is in charge here.
Anyway he sneaked this shot when I was in the Bark of Suzz and heading for a dog play date (which I didn’t  know about) and was really surprised when we stopped and 3 dogs tried to climb into Suzz and then it got to be fun so I went with the flo while The Boss and Bossess sipped and yakked with some people I hadn’t smelt before. 

HEY!!! a really big bark for all the support you gave Tiny. She loved it and I appreciate your efforts.

The Boss has told me that he has more than 3000 images and today he organised The Bossess’s iPhone. It took him all afternoon to just delete the extra shots from bursts that she did. Fruit phones do burst if you keep your paw on the button and The Bossess shoots lots with bad light but you then have to go and pik the best ones which the phone had done already but you have to say OK to it or something.  Works a treat you kno.  The coming days will be busy but visual I am sure but meanwhile I confess to being a tad tired and I am flaking out on the Boss’s studio floor for now.
OH….Woof… Right that had a nice ring to it.


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