Fine Wether('s)
Errr…Well Maybe not. They may well be Bluetooths or some other sort of sheepiness and really it’s a bit far for detail and the sun is in my eyes and I need a visit to the hair stylist and other excuses.…OK?
But to cut to the chase…The sun was shining all day and I had a lovely day spent lazing in the back of Suzz in the shade with the back door open ( but still attached to something) and lazing around the house, and walking round the block at days end checking on the wethers. (see above)
There are signs everywhere that a sporting event is coming with blokes and blokessess with brightly coloured outfits puffing along everywhere but still able to say something when greeted by The Boss. I am good at this too…I can bark and run at the same time but then again I am a GIRL which helps I kno.
I did miss my 5.00am walk but I also loved the quiet ordered day where No Orders were received by The Boss and The Coffee machine was totally silent.
Never mind The Bossess returns late tonight.
Baa... Hold the Humbug!
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