New baby

There was a smattering of snow still left when I got home at lunchtime. Sparkie was fine (still not eaten up) but the birds were very quick to return to the feeders when I'd filled them.

Aware of the probability of foul weather to come, I took a short stroll down to the Strawberry Farm, to see how Baby and the white cow were going on (and to sneak a highland cow blip of course).

Baby and the white cow were fine.  At the back of their enclosure was a small shelter with lots of straw and I could just see a little white nose pop out at times.

One of the farmer's team came down to feed them.

Yes - the white cow has had her little one over the last couple of days (they choose their time don't they !!!).

And after a few hesitant steps, the little one came out for a jump and a stagger to follow the mum.

I got some odd shots of Baby as she pretended to charge towards me - but I went for the seriously cute - as a new birth is always more important.

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