Jaipur Kite Festival

The day started with rather raucus music at about 3 a.m.  Most shops were closed and it was a relief to be able to walk in nearly clear streets without being asked to come and see my shop.  As the day progressed more and more people flew kites - ones that have to be flown not just held - and boys rushed around catching the lines with long sticks to make them crash.  Anything not caught up in a tree, mosque minaret or signal tower was snapped up by hungry lads who dodged dangerously through the traffic that was moving fast for lack of too much of it. Cows, dogs, pigs and goats roamed the streets and I caught sight of several rats in a near deserted alley. One family waved at me so hard to take their photo on the roof top and then invited me up to join them.  Spent nearly an hour for they were charming and told me they had never had a foreigner in their house before.  The adults spoke pretty good English but not the smaller children.  I flew 3 kites and lost the lot - very embarrassing!  Everyone was in happy mood and so many people asked me to take their photo - there were no other tourists until I was homeward bound at sunset when I saw some with a guide. Am trying to upload to picasa and will put the link when I can    Try this and let me know if it doesn't work please .http://picasaweb.google.com/pricebelinda   look under the heading  My Photos

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