
By dshildreth

The Hat

To celebrate the return of our International Students this week, I give you the rice hat. 

Each year we host International Week where we invite the international students to present a little taste of their countries in food, song, dance, art and performance.  It is an awesome event.  So the hat . . . at the very end of the event there was a performer who demonstrated Thai Chi and other marshal arts skills.  He entered with his face shadowed by the hat.  He did his performance with his face hidden.  He wore long sleeves and long pants.  At the very end he removed his hat and revealed he was a man who looked about 50 and was African American.  Not what you would expect at an international event. 

And so, the hat lays on the stage floor with the light exposing it.  The shadows are clear and there is a shine.  All of these things are revealed when we wait and see.

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