
By nnodd67

Boom boom

Our Starboard side crane boom, 120' long and capable of lifting over 50t. This is our mid sized crane, the Port side crane boom is 150' long while our Aft crane boom is 100' long.

Pretty important these things, without them we would just be a hunk of metal sitting in the ocean. No equipment, no food and no cargo or fuel as everything comes to the rig by boat (even people sometimes lol) and the cranes have to be ready to work with the boats at all times. That's one of the reasons we have 3 cranes, we can always use another if one happens to be under repair.

The white triangular thing at the end is the boom rest, the boom sits there when not it use. Just recently we had a walkway installed, it can be seen at the boom tip and the yellow grating inside the boom. It's great as before, if we wanted to do any maintenance on the boom we had to crawl out along the lattices using a safety harness or position the boom somewhere where it could be reached, like over the helideck.

We've recently been changing out the crane wires, each crane has 3 wires, boom wire (the one seen in the picture running diagonally from the tip) the main hook wire (heavy loads) and the secondary hook wire (lighter loads). They have to be changed out every two years or as required if they get damaged during the two year period.

Like I said, pretty important piece of kit.

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