The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Winter lunchbreak

I got up before 7 so that I could submit my two 'screen dreams' poems in time for today's deadline. Looked out of the window, when it got light enough, and saw that the promised snow had not amounted to more than 1cm on the car, and none on the road. The hill of Rodborough was lightly dusted. When I got home, there was an email request from the Screen Dreams editor for a
"biography in six words or less".
I decided on
"writer, photographer, good sense of humour".

Work was busy, and I avoided going to Tesco's for a relaxing lunch break, and re-read my loan forms instead. My course loan has been approved already. Got out for five minutes into the frozen grounds (the sensory garden was like an ice rink) and noticed an immediate difference in my mood. Cares fall away out of doors in the crisp, calm cold.

Then I came back inside for more nappy changing and conflict resolution for two-year-olds. Extra medical training after work, meant that I was late home, but this evening is free from deadlines. The fire is lit, and outside a gale is getting into its stride.

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