Too many to chose

Yesterday no pictures,
Today so many that I couldn't chose and didn't want to do a collage.

Breakfast etc all done and Wom kindly did a poo before we were getting coats and snowsuits on.

Day at work was ok. Did my first forest school session since I can t remember with my class and also pre school. Was very good fun.

Home, went the piggy way, deeply regretted it as then got to a road closed when I was about five minutes from home, then took me a further twenty to get home, Munchie had fallen fast asleep, Wom had done a poo and I was stressing.

Home, Munchie v grumpy when I woke her, emergency chocolate deployed and Wom set upon her to wake her.

Bedtime was cute, as Munchie sat down next to Wom and read him a story, not entirely sure Wom was impressed.

Daddy home, compete with chips from the chippy. Yay.

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