If I had a hammer

I'd hammer in the morning, I'd hammer in the evening, all over this land.....

Odd day
Lee has been exceptionally busy with work calls today, a conference call that took over an hour, which he holed up in our bedroom for to avoid interruptions.
Swimming was odd
Got told off by the owner of our swimming company bevause Munchie did a runner down to the deep end of the pool. Yes I know she should t have done it and she got a proper telling off from me, but, did I really need to be told off again and then be told her wetsuit was too big?...

Grandma and Munchie had a great time doing crafting things, womsie had an epic afternoon sleep and I felt terrible for waking him so we could go to gym tots.

Hopefully off to get blasted by fresh air tomorrow to blow the cobwebs away

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