Da Battery Banks

The day started with thunderstorms, bright and very loud.  Thunder and lightning seem to be the norm at the moment.  More wintery showers but melting just as fast as it lands.  Some sunny spells too in the morning :)

I woke up this morning with the thunder and no power!  Luckily it did come back on just before heading out the door.  A few more prangs with cars for some folk on their way to work. 
Another day in the office.  I've been trying to finish off slides from the 1960s, nearly there.
After work and off to work in the pub, finished at 9pm tonight and a day off tomorrow :)
A big walk with Sammy tonight, tomorrow isn't looking so good!

I met mam for lunch and we spotted a waterfall going upwards and we had to go investigate.  We stopped at the Sletts and looked onto the Battery Banks, see if you can spot the waterfall spraying back on the land. 

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