Octapod Heaven

How fabulous it was to crack out the Octapod and paddle down the river...which I have to say we had all to ourselves.
We stopped at a little beach and had a swim...then continued on to Brunswick where we met up with Jaiya and Flynn had some Fisn n Chips...another swim and a paddle around in the boat.
I have to say that it feels so nice to feel my energy (and enthusiasm) returning...however I have noticed that Ive stacked on the pounds in the last months it's getting hard to get in and out of the bloody thing and a little bit daunting sitting behind my trim (skinny ...hahahahhaha) friend Anne.

The sun was rather wicked and sneakily burnt me to a crisp so I sit here with a very red nose..... knees hands and arms smelling like fish n chips as I have a concoction of tea bags and vinegar doused all over me to hopefully take out a bit of the sting.
It was all worth it...the river and day was glorious.

“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.”
A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh     

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