one of the several we found yesterday at the hothouse. This one I carefully took with me home. I also took one part of a wing lying elsewhere, a touching view.
Tonight another Extaze evening, with many interesting items, literature and music. The printed magazine will be ready too. How wonderful to see Mischa's story: Boekenwurmen (Bookworms) in print in it.
Mischa and I will helpfull with the preparations in the building of De Vereeniging, so I leave early today.
Tomorrow I'll find myself busy with Blipfoto. And I guess the day after that too. In advance I want to thank you all who visited, had a kind word, a star and/or favourites, wished me a Happy Birthday too.
I feel very much cherished by all of you.

My haiku:

Quiet lying all movements
Suddenly stopped and soon
The colours will fade

And the quote by Richard Wilbur in the poem Ceremony:

But ceremony never did conceal
Save to the silly eye, which all allows
How much we are the Woods we wander in.

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