near where I stood, feeding the swan pair oatflakes. I had noticed that the many geese scared the swans away from where I had scattered the flakes.
A heron stood there too, awfully deep in the water.
A delightful day weatherwise! So I had decided to walk along the ponds towards the Gamma shop and from there through the Madestein park home again. I let the sun cherish me and beamed back happily.
At the end of the afternoon I now could start to thank all my dearest blipfriends. Now at 10 pm I have the satisfaction that I am rather well on the way to closure.
I feel dizzy of all the sweet congratulations still reaching me, accompanied with stars and hearts. My birthday picture of the carnivore plant is the best of the three captures that I did take at the Hortus, although I like the other two too.
It still is a bit of a puzzle to find out who were so gentle to give hearts and I am sure that I will perhaps lack in finding some persons who did. I have to thank you here and now.
Tomorrow Mischa comes back from her Leiden and we will celebrate (again) her stay in our flat, wishing her happy, creative times to come.

My haiku:

She looks like me somehow
Does she? as she runs real fast
That enthusiast goose

And the quote by George Braque in Pensées sur l'art:

Truth exists. Only lies are invented.

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