
Guess what? I'm exhausted.

Had another motorway closure today (this time on the way to work).

It was the M5 south, not north; but it produced the usual chaos on the M4 because of it.

A long day at work; on another broken nights sleep.

Hoping that JJ will sleep better; but the idiot who just set off a display sized firework collection nearby hasn't helped that much.

So, in 11 minutes, I will be in bed.

Hoping for a night of unbroken sleep.

So, thinking of inspiration, and returning to University. Not a cleaver this time, but my University scarf.

I reckon it was bought for my 21st birthday (it was definitely a present); so it's 20 years old (in 10 days time).
Alongside it is C's junior poolies scarf :)

In other news, I booked the most expensive hotel I've ever booked so far today...

Wifey's big birthday in September and I've booked ..........

Well you'll have to wait and see - but I'm hoping it's as good as it sounds / looks!

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