Purple rain
These flowers are on some evergreen bushes I bought at Ikea years ago (hebe?) The bushes did not enjoy being at our north facing door, in the rain shadow of a portico, in minus 20 degree temperatures in February. Also I may have forgotten to water them between November and March... They are now recuperating on the back (south facing) steps and, bar all the dead brown branches that I should really get around to snipping off, they seem a little happier here. Now I have two pots of zantedeschia out there, but I'm not sure they're thriving well without sun either - any suggestions for nice plants for a formal entrance that don't need any direct sunshine?
Today was supposed to be a rainy day, but was actually mostly sunny. The kids played outside most of the day (save some morning sofa time for Conor until he was bored enough to forget he was supposed to be ill), appearing every now and then for snacks and with news of illegal climbing of cherry trees (like I care) and a mauled lizard. That was rather sad. A neighbour's cat loves catching lizards and this time managed to get more than a tail. The poor lizard had a big hole in her side, with intestines coming out. So, the resourceful kids pushed the intestines back in (mostly), put on some savlon and bandaged it up. Eight hours later and the lizard (a beautiful bright green one) was still breathing, but lying very still with eyes closed. I suspect it had gone into shock - from having half a dozen children passing it around in a small box and shouting as well as from having its guts poking out - and is probably not long for this world. But now, being a soft-hearted fool, I'm wondering if I should have tried to stitch up the wound...
EDIT: Meancoast's comment just reminded me that I was thinking about taking a photo, but it felt wrong to take a picture of something that is dying - though it was an outstandingly beautiful lizard and, somehow, I don't think I'll feel bad about taking a photo when it is dead. Is that weird?
After all that, I still haven't earthed up the potatoes.
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