Predictably, yesterday's poor mauled lizard died in the night. My photo of her is a bit rubbish as I only had the chance for one shot before the neighbour whose table it was on brought a tiler friend out to give me some advice on our tiles. So, though the focus is poor, you can at least see how beautiful she is (was) and the neat bandaging around her midriff that the kids put on.
Aside from entombing lizards, today was all about the huge vide grenier in Castres... though sadly it was mostly rained off with fewer folk than expected taking the opportunity to empty their lofts onto the streets. Regardless, we did well: the kids came home with bag fulls of toys and I found a good metal jug to mix petrol and two-stroke for my new strimmer.
Later, we had lunch and were easily persuaded back to our friends' place for some lounging about.
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