An Elder Tree for a Doctor

We both needed to get out and drove to Croig to walk along the track. There was a break in the wall and a quick turn right to wade across a field towards the rocky coast. The wind was cold and blowing forcefully making for a bracing walk.

The boggy wet walk was another test on the well washed gortex boots - possibly a hint of dampness later on. We walked to higher ground passing a 'bothy with a view' and down to this Elder tree growing a few metres from the back of a larger house where a doctor of the same name used to live.

John likes an elder tree and we hope it was planted by the doctor all those years ago, it must be some age, the trunk is about 100 cm thick growing on the very edge of the world. And as this is John's story it's fair to say he captured todays blip on the small Lumix camera on Programme.

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