Texann Times

By Texann

Seasoned travellers

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Travel Day

With it being the middle of winter in the UK, the number of air miles needed for an international business class ticket was about the same as we've normally paid for an economy ticket in the past, so we decided to treat ourselves this time.  So much more comfortable and much less stressful.  And filling! The really do throw food at you!  (Not literally, obviously - I wouldn't pay so much for that kind of service!)

I have had the luxury of traveling international business class occasionally before and whenever they put the miniature salt and pepper down in front of me, a warm, happy feeling floods over me.  My dad didn't travel much with his job when my brother and I were small, but I do remember, when he did, he would bring us back the miniature cruet sets.  He may have brought us back other souvenirs too, but I only really remember these (sorry, Dad!).  I loved them!

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