Texann Times

By Texann

London Tourists

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We both had tears streaming down our cheeks today.  Were we horribly sad? Emotional and happy? In excruciating pain? No, we were walking around in a wind so bitter that it went right through us, forcing the fluid from our eyes!!!  Was this normal to us before?  Has our blood thinned so much or has it got colder ?

We landed at Heathrow before dawn (not that early), checked into our hotel in Central London by 9:00 am and spent the day walking around being very cold but happy tourists.

We covered Covent Garden, Neal's Yard, Trafalgar Square, South Bank, London Eye, Millennium Bridge, St Paul's Cathedral, stopping often (needless to say) to take photographs.  When in Trafalgar Square, I took this shot which I really liked because it had so many elements to it.  My favourite bit though is the quirky, blue cockerel sculpture on the Fourth Plinth (a sculpture by a female German artist - some describe it as symbolizing regeneration and strength, others as male-dominated Britain).

We popped into the National Portrait Gallery to see the Taylor Wessing Photography Portrait exhibition. They were all excellent, although I'd have chosen different winners (but obviously I'm no expert).  I also think that many of you, particularly those who specialize in portrait photography, produce work at a similarly-high, award-winning standard. 

Unfortunately, we didn't get much sleep on the plane the previous night (the timing is never right for me), so what with that, all the walking and the cold weather, I was asleep by 8:00 pm. 

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