Good wholesome fun

Argh, so many beautiful photos to chose from tonight.
Munchie woke around 6, Wom woke around 4 really coughing so I brought him into our bed where he went straight back to sleep. Daddy went to work at 5. We eventually made it downstairs around 8. Due to go out at 9:15, Munchie needed a poo and Wom filled his nappy!

Got to Croome about ten minutes late and met up with munchies BFF. Lovely loveky morning of puddle splashing, giggling, walking, talking, eating, tumbling (no one big hurts), scooting as well as sliding and swinging. Great fun.

Took both children to be weighed after this adventure.
Munchie is the grand total of 28lbs and a few bits.
Wom is 19, 13 lbs!
Both have stayed on exactly the same percentile they were born on.

Munchie was so well behaved whilst we were being weighed, we went to the nugget shop on the way home.

Quiet afternoon which has involved a great deal of cuddling. Munchie fell asleep on daddy's lap during story, Wom fell asleep in my lap during milk.

Night all x

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