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By pplnani

A Tasty Morsel

We decided that it was way too cold to go for a walk even though the sun was shining (wimps, I know ), so we went to the garden centre in search of a seed feeder to replace one that keeps clogging and blocking, much to the frustration of the birds. we couldn't find one that we liked but we did browse round their sale items and were thrilled to find some real bargains.....a large substantial alpine pot for a pound (with no discernable flaws at all) (I've been looking for one of these without success for quite a while, the ones I've seen before were too small or too shallow). We also found a Japonica 'Katsura' that sounds really pretty, at half price (I think they had overstocked because there were several of them to choose from), a substantial medium sized pot for a fiver to put the Japonica in, a small bag of ericaceous compost (that we had to pay full price for!!!!) and a toy for my granddaughter's birthday at the end of the month reduced from £25 to £5 just to shift ex Christmas stock. After going through the checkout with all this lot we still had change from £20 and big smug grins on our faces ;-)))

On the way home I spotted a small flock of goldfinches feeding on the seeds in the teasels in a field, I tried to sneak up on them to get a closer shot but they saw me coming a long way off and departed before I could get my close up but I'm happy enough just to have seen them....a lovely sight ;-)))

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