
By Farmerboab

Swanning around...

A covering of white stuff again today,but cold and sunny later on. Sounded like world war 3 for a while,as the Estate shooting lot out in force to the West of the farm,and the next door syndicate out to the East of us. Quite a few crafty pheasants hanging about the buildings till it all went quiet.
Little Miss had another party this afternoon,so went to drop her off at the Golf club then filled in time with Mrs Farmerboab by visiting Duddingston Loch in the shadow of Arthurs Seat. This is a bird sanctuary according to the sign. The swans were fairly tame,but  I didn't  bend down too close in case I got a wing in the face. I never realized how big their webbed feet are compared to a goose. They were like shovels !
Rounded things off with an early tea at Pizza Express.
This doing family outings is hard work. Was glad to get home and disappear outside to feed cattle for a rest !

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