Go Jump in The Lake?

The Bossess went out to Coffee with friends and offered a ride to The Boss and ME so we could walk bark home and getablip.
please note new word. YES you saw it first on Tuss……….Ok Ok Over the top says The Boss but yesterdays red carpet has got me going a bit.
it is worth noting that dogs have less time to become famous so we do have to work at it a bit harder.

So we were walking down the lake front and noticing the incoming ugly looking sky and the raindrops that were falling on my fur when The Boss noticed these guys standing around on the wharf. 
Grabbing his camera with the longer glass he was all ready to go but they just stood there yakking so he sent a brainmail to hurry the process and it worked. They did.
Frankly I am now a bit worried about that and what other experiments may be carried out on unsuspecting Wheaten Terriers so I am looking for an anti brainmail fitting for my collar.
Any ideas??

In other news i noticed the Blue Screen of Death showing in his studio as he was importing some more holiday pics and the air got a bit thick. So this post is still coming from the MacBook Air. (with thin air incase you were going to ask)


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