Lali's World

By Lali

With friends at a birthday party

This morning I woke up late. I was going to a birthday party which, for some strange reason, I thought was at 7.30 pm. My plan was to go into town to get a gift and a card for the birthday girl, then do my food shopping and relax afterwards before heading to the party... ok... what happened was...

At 1.30 pm I got a message from my friend asking me if I was coming to the party.
Me: Yes, of course, I confirmed my attendance in your message!
My friend: It was at 1.00 pm, we have already ordered our food.
Me: Has the time been changed? (meanwhile double checking the message, utterly confused)
Me (again): S**t, sorry, I thought it was at 7.30 pm... 
Getting ready at super speed then and running to Tesco's to get her a box of chocolates, as I didn't have the time to get her the gift and I didn't want to arrive empty handed. As usual, when you are in a hurry, no taxis anywhere! Aaaaargh! 
I managed to arrive a few minutes after 2.00 pm just on time for the main course... what a numpty!!!! :)

Anyway, I had a great time with my friends there and I did my food shopping afterwards! 

Just to let you know, I will take a break from photography for a week from tomorrow, so there will be no blips and no comments, sorry. I need it. The only exception will be if it snows in Edinburgh and the snow sets on the ground for more than just a few hours! :) 

I'm not running away though. I'll be back in a week's time! 

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts on my blip yesterday! I hope you all had a good weekend! :)

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