Light and darkness

Just back from my Polablip holiday. Believe it or not, I haven't taken any photos for a full week!!! It's good to take a break from time to time, I think. You take photography with renewed energy!

The only exciting things happening last week were the historical walk we did along the Royal Mile with people from work and a visit to Mary King's close, which is buried underneath the Royal Mile. Both really interesting. I strongly recommend both if you come to visit to Edinburgh. 

I also started revising Finnish again after a long period of not touching it due to lack of time. It's amazing how much you forget in a short period of time! Thinking of maybe taking a course if time and money allow me to do so.

I was working at the weekend as well and it's been a long week. Back on track now. I've been missing Polablip, I have to admit... 

Today it's been a long day due to a late tour, but I'm off tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it.

Happy to be back and I'll try now to catch up with you as best as I can!

Hope you had a good day! :)

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