Growing old disgracefully



The light was so bright this morning that at first I didn't see an approaching  cyclist coming out of the sun as I overtook a parked car.   Had to pause by Knapps Loch to regain my composure. 

Bright sunlight always me think of one of my favourite passages from Emily Dickinson's letters.  No-one really knows for certain why she led such a secluded life, but one theory is that her eye condition made daylight intolerable.  She mentions the painful condition here:

The seeing pain one can't relieve makes a demon on one.  If angels have the heart beneath their silver jackets, I think such things would make them weep, but heaven is so cold!  It will never look kind to me that God, who causes all, denies such little wishes.  It could not hut his Glory, unless it were a lonesome kind.   I must conclude it is.'

Precious Emily, I keep her in the bathroom and read her every day.  The sunlight is not too bright in there.

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