Another late night last night.  Today I was woken up at about 1.30pm by the phone ringing.  It was Becky.  After chatting for a while she asked if we had any snow.  So I got out of bed and opened the curtains - and saw snow.  First real snowfall of the winter.  Becky was jealous - she loves the snow and doesn't see much with living in London.

After my phone call I had a quick breakfast ( or was it lunch ) and walked down to the village. It snowed all the time I was out.  I had thought my boots were waterproof - they weren't.  My feet were soaked when I got back home.

Later on I walked down to the village again for my slimming meeting. Different boots this time - which were actually waterproof.  I put on one pound this week.  Think that's because I didn't do much walking over the weekend 

The Mono Monday word today is middle.  So here is lilttle Lily outside in the enclosure this morning in the middle of a snowstorm.  She was out there for a few mins watching the birds.  There were a lot of birds as I had put some food out.  Tino went out as well but he seemed a bit freaked out by the snow.  He ran to the end of the enclosure then ran back indoors to the front of the house, Turned around quickly and ran back out.  He did this a few times and then stayed indoors.  He's daft as a brush.

Steps today - 9,011

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