Took Phoebe down into Williton this afternoon and because it was so cold, she allowed me to put on her new coat.  This is our nearest 'commercial' village about 6 miles away and we needed certain items from the hardstore.  After that we took a wander down the lanes. 

We walked towards the Orchard Wyndham estate, who seem to own most of this village!!  The river is getting pretty high already and it wont be long before it reaches the top.  We don't need anymore rain.

Work today was the worst I can remember as I'm having to re-type all the fee contracts.  Reminds me of when I worked at a solicitors office.  I spent the entire 3 hours of solid copy typing and there will be more tomorrow.  Please can I leave, please!!!!!

Until someone is able to buy our house, we both have to keep working.  Once the mortgage is paid we can live a normal life, whatever that is.

Hope your Monday has been better than mine.  Sending hugs and thankyous for yesterday's kind comments.

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