St Agnes' Eve

"Saint Agnes was martyred in Rome under the Emperor Diocletian. Because she refused to marry and deny her faith, she was stripped and sent to a brothel as a punishment. According to legend her hair suddenly grew miraculously to cover her, and an angel brought her a white robe.

It is traditionally believed that on Saint Agnes' Eve girls will dream of their future partners - strange perhaps for a saint who symbolises chastity! If you are single and would like to dream of your future love, follow this simple procedure, which has been practised for many centuries: with your wish in mind, pick pins from a pincushion and stick them in your sleeve. When you go to bed, be sure to lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Having accomplished all this, you will dream of a kiss in the night…"

From: Cattern Cakes and Lace, A Calendar of Feasts by Julia Jones and Barbara Deer

The book's suggested recipe for today is a very old recipe for a "soothing dish with which to retire, a posset (or 'ducks' if you live in the Midlands)." So on such a cold, wet day (gone are the blue skies!) what better way to warm up than to sup a bowl of Posset! (Note to self: add a lot more brandy next time!)

Happy St Agnes' Eve to you all, and sweet dreams!!

(Thank you so much to you all for your kind words, stars and hearts for my blip for yesterday, all very much appreciated...)

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