A Bit Of Fresh Eyre

By DEyre


So today was spent traveling. We were already in the air by the time midnight passed, and arrived at the hostel just in time for bed.

The flight to Dubai was enjoyable - good food, film and despite my best efforts to watch as many films as possible; some sleep. Dubai itself wasn't all that amazing at this point - it was early morning and a short connection was all that was needed. Peeling Eve off the plane was entertainment though.

Sadly the flight to Entebbe was less enjoyable. Still too tired to watch a film, so more music and napping. The relief of landing in Entebbe was ruined by the 2 hour delay for 'health checks'. At least the visa was easy.

If that wasn't enough though we still had the longest 350km I've ever taken to travel on the worst roads too - only the non-existant roads of Romania could match these. A ridiculous 6 hours meaning arriving at 10pm and a total of 24.5 hours on the move.

This photo was taken somewhere on the way in/through Kampala.

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