A Bit Of Fresh Eyre

By DEyre


With quite possible the best lie in in a long while and after breakfast a group of us headed into town. Not that large but nice enough - just plenty run down and a mess. Which is strange since it immediately felt more homely than the UK.

The afternoon saw a meet up with Colin about projects and how this will all work. Should be a bit of fun. The rest of the afternoon saw us become millionaires. Exchanging money saw a rate of 4200 Shillings to the Pound. And with £400 to exchange each we left with a total of 1.68 million. Doubt that'll ever happen again - but if it does I want the armed guards on the door again.

The Dutchess was the option for dinner - leaving during sunset really reminded us how far from home we were - being used to a golden hour is a strange thing here when it is completely dark in less than half. And with our first Boda rides; I need a bike.

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