
By astronaut

Caldara di Manziana

Today was such a special dayand very spontaneous.

Finally achieved my goal of cycling around Villa Borghese but come the end of our morning the clouds were descending and the afternoon trip to Lake Bracciano was looking a bit dubious! Caroline's Aunty Flora lives in Rome and keeps horses near Bracciano and took us out there for a drive but thankfully abandoned plans to ride so we ditched our idea of sitting by the lake and instead went on a random drive all around the countryside!

This blip is Caldara di Manziana, a desolate volcanic site with a very acive sulphur spring (it smelt bad!) we also stopped off a farm that sold cheese made by sheep (a day of smells!) and then had dinner in a tucked away little restaurant which still had a 50s style telephone kiosk in the entrance.

Just amazing!

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