Two Years!

I thought I'd use two delicious cherry beers to mark my 2 years worth of photos! It has taken me 5 years and 2 months to get here and 2013 is set to be my most consistent blipping yet! Indeed I hit my 365 in September 2011 so this 730 is pretty speedy by those standards!

Unfortunately I had just ordered these two beers when we got the news that Dad was going into hospital for a blood transfusion, hence being a few days late with my blips. Luckily the hospital was really close by so I joined him and mum and Paul. Dad is doing much better now and has been anaemic since the early days of his diagnosis of prostate cancer in the summer of 2010 so we've expected one day he would need a transfusion, he had 4 units of blood in total!

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