Our little goldilocks

Grim night, Wom coughed from about 9pm, by 11pm he was in a pickle and he and I had moved into his room and set up camp in the futon. He slept, I dozed. Around 4 I snuck him back into the cot, but sadly this only lasted for thirty minutes. Daddy then had him asleep on his chest so I got some sleep then.

Nursery run completed, work completed. Still tweaking as I go, but you can already see progress in their learning which is great.

Munchies review tonight. So positive. her key worker really does 'get' our little girl. Very late pick up gro both children. Wom had a four hour sleep at nursery! Four hours!,,,,,

Home, very quick play then bath and bed.
Swimming tomorrow then attempt to do work etc.

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