If I had a hammer part II

Night wasn't too bad
Day could have been better

Swimming - had to take the car seat with us as suddenly realised we needed something for Wom to sit in whilst Munchie swims. Located and off we went

Wom did well
Munch did amazingly well, she swam, almost unassisted 5m. So proud x

Wom went to bed
Munchie played
Grandma arrived
Lunch was eaten

Headed to blue shop (boots)
Munchie decided to run from me towards the exceedingly fast road we live in. Luckily we are on a slip road off it with a grass verge separating our road and the main road. I grabbed her coat hood, causing her to fall down. I had Wom in my arms the whole time so couldn't pick her up, daddy stopped her up and she cried and cried and cried. Calpol given. Decided to continue to head to blue shop but she was asleep within minutes of going. She hadn't had a sleep after swimming and was tired from our late night last night so think that and a nasty bump to her chin all got too much for her

I went into blue shop whilst grandma stayed in the car with two sleepy babies, she also stayed whilst I went to the £ shop and got a few things. Decided to go for the long way home to give them both longer to sleep.

Was pottering along behind a flatbed lorry, came to a notorious nasty bend to see a car coming the other way just drive straight in front of the flatbed. Brakes worked! Phew.
Stopped and gave my details as did someone else. The bloke in the flatbed was quite calm all things considered, the young boy in the car that caused it seemed very spaced out, shock or something else I wonder.

Made it home in one piece.

Dentist! Two mobile children, one dentist chair and no other chair. Grrrrr. Wasn't the best. Munchie was great though as she sat on the chair and let them count her teeth. Usual telling off about her sucking her thumb but what are we meant to do? It's her comfort and I am not going to stop it just now.

Bed, I fell asleep on munchies bed during story and woke up at 9:20! Opps. Daddy out shooting. Busy day tomorrow.

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