
By pattons6

Sneaking out of bed

I was a very good girl last night. I slept through all night in my big girls bed. Mummy had to wake me up this morning.

I was at my childminders then my playgroup. I was very excited to play with Mia and Aiden today. I also played with the boys. When my childminder picked me up I was very excited to see her and ran to give her a hug.

In the afternoon I made valentines crafts with my friends. We had great fun playing and singing songs. I got to go to the shops with everyone to buy snack. I had so much fun.

When we all got home I had a yummy dinner before having a nice bubbly bath then hair dried, cosy jammies on and my milk. I had stories in my big girls bed then daddy said good night. I sang to myself, told my teddies stories before I sneaked out to get my hippo. I stayed there the rest of the night all cosy.

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