Another milestone reached....big girls bed!

I have had a good day. I was at my childminders and playgroup today. Daddy took me along first thing, I was a little reluctant after my fun filled day yesterday but I eventually went in.

At playgroup I had fun playing with my friends Mia and Aiden. Mummy is very pleased I am playing away with my friends. When my childminder arrived to pick me up i was very excited to see her.

After a lovely lunch with my friends. We then started our valentines crafts. Lewis and I had brilliant fun playing with all the toys.

Daddy picked me up a little later than he normally does as he was busy at home preparing a surprise for me. When mummy arrived home from work she went straight up to help him. Mummy said she wished she had taken a picture of my face when I seen it. I was so excited, I climbed in with no covers or mattress.

Daddy managed to get me downstairs long enough to get the mattress on the bed, covers on and then a special tent on the top. The special thing about my bed is that when I am a little older we can turn it upside down so I can have toys underneath with my bed up high.

I happily climbed in to my bed but was a little unsure with the light off. So mummy sat on my floor, read me a story and tucked me in before leaving, I have a little lamp on for light incase I get a fright waking in a strange place.

Mummy said this weekend I will get new wardrobes so there is room for my clothes as well as the new baby when they arrive. Mummy is hoping to have all the changes made before baby makes an appearance so I don't associate the baby with all the changes. I am getting to be a grown up girl.

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