Tutto bene

By Blackdrake

Good Morning!

Stunning Sunrise on the way home from school today, I took the scenic route.  Blip in the bag nice and early so can't really comment on the rest of Thursday. 
We have parent's night this evening. Amber doesn't like to rock the boat and does not want me to say anything to her teachers about...well anything really.  She's bored of most of her lessons, the teaching seems rather lazy to me and I reckon they need to be told.  She thinks that if I say anything untoward then she'll be hated by that teacher and it will make life difficult. I say that parent teacher night is a two way communication and that if her French teacher fails to actually make them speak French aloud then she's failing the students. We shall see!

Off to do some star jumps to stay warm - it is that or hoovering!


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