Paint pot busker
Its our last full day in Chiang Mai. We spend the morning getting organised for Myanmar as there are certain things we won't be able to get so easily there. We change up money as we need USD for hotels and larger purchases once we are there. We then discover the laptop charger isn't working. Its been a bit on and off and making funny noises for a while so we decide to try and replace it while we're still in Thailand. A quick bit of internet research and there's a shopping centre dedicated to electronics a 15 min walk away so off we go. We spot this cool busker on the way playing entirely with washing up bowls, paint pots and other household bits and pieces. He sounds pretty good too.
After asking at every shop in the place and lots of negotiations we finally agree a price for the new charger. We need to wait a while until they go and pick it up but it works and we head off back to the hotel. Even though we re-checked our old charger in the shopping centre we give it one last go before throwing it away and guess what … it works! Oh well, we have two now and more to carry.
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