CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Red ball required

A bright day but very misty later on.

A quiet day after the busyness of yesterday. Read some more of Peter May's book, Runaway. Before picking up one of our Granddaughters. we had a drive around. I was struck by the snow which was remaining on this green on the Golf Course. Definitely would have required a red ball although I think this hole was off limits since there was no flag.

We went down to Broughty Ferry where the mist had rolled in quite thickly in places. I was torn as to whether this image or the Broughty image should be my blip. However I did make a Flikr set of the misty images if you would like to have a look.

This evening, courtesy of a Groupon deal we are going out for a Steak dinner yum yum.

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