Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Young at Heart

I worked this morning then whizzed home while eating a tuna sandwich, got changed, jumped on my bike and pedalled over to the Cricket Pavilion to join the choir. We had been asked to entertain diners at a lunch organised by Help the Aged. It all went very well and the punters seemed to enjoy themselves. When the audience all joined us in a rousing chorus of 'Edelweiss' I had a bit of a Christopher Plummer moment and had to sing to the carpet 'til I'd pulled myself together.

Being an aged person myself, I knew most of the people there. The lady in the photo is Lesley who is in her mid-nineties and still sings in the church choir. She is Australian and full of life with a twinkle in her eye.

3 days at work and I'm feeling about 90 as well. Thank goodness it's nearly Friday.

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