
By cowgirl

Comfort food

Yes, food again - I was so close to remembering to take a photo before I left work today, but failed at the last moment! Whilst I was putting my mucking out fork, brush and barrow away I thought to take a photo. I washed my boots off and washed the thought out of my head at the same time. I was half way home before I remembered and got cross with myself!

Back home I've been on to the energy company as they still haven't sorted out our account at the new house yet, paid off some of the credit card as I got a text from the bank asking me to check out a message they'd left me in my online account telling me we've hit our limit ( we've never maxed out the credit card before ! ), started the second batch of marmalade and made some brownies for work tomorrow. That's the most productive I've been for ages!

Worn out now though, so will be in bed by 9pm. Will catch up with journals at the weekend. Night all!

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