
This is an obvious choice for tonight so excited am I at my new purchase. I had decided a week or two ago which camera I wanted but needed to find time to go to John Lewis to buy it.

I wanted to go there as I bought my first camera there and I thought they could look at the problem I had with that. The guy did more than that he appears to have solved the problem so I have two cameras now! Of course I haven't a clue how to use this one but on Monday I have nine days in Whitby relaxing, writing my novel and experimenting with my new camera. It will be great just to unwind and go at my own pace.

It's been a hectic couple of weeks and having bought a new car and a new camera I can stop buying now, well I have no money left!

Have a good weekend folks, more travelling for me but then it's off to my favourite yorkshire destination.

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