Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Lady bower Resevoir

I was excited by today as I was going to be travelling from Sheffield to Manchester over the moorland. My first chance to get some proper outdoor photos. It started with rain from Doncaster to Sheffield but as I got out onto the road the sun came out for a short while. I began to take pictures. This includes the picture I chose in the end which is taken on Lady Bower Reservoir. I was noticing some interesting colours amongst the trees that seemed to have a greenness that I wanted to capture. I found a suitable place to stop and looked to take some pictures. My phone had locked itself on video and try as I might I could not unlock it. Eventually I took a few snaps on an app called Hisomatic but was unhappy with the results. I was unable to unlock the video whilst travelling. So in the end I had to give up and continue on my journey to Manchester. It unlocked as soon as I got to my hotel!

I've been in a conference for the rest of the day and just finished giving a keynote speech which seems to have gone down quite well. I can relax now and enjoy the evening. I've managed to get onto the Internet and my pictures have come across to my iPad so I can now load my preferred picture. I fully expected to have a range to choose from but in the end the idiosyncrasies of my phone prevented this. I'm reasonably happy with the picture I chose but regret that I couldn't capture the distinctive greens I saw on so many trees.

Now to dinner.

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